Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The numbers of life

having just 1 person you can whisper the word, 'sweetheart' to..
having more than 2 people you can say is true family..
having the ironic 3 people you can depend on who are your 'best' friends..
having at least 4 people you can hang out with and call your close friends..

attaining a position in the top 10 of your class..
receiving 11 presents on your twenty-first birthday..
seeing 12 roses in the bouquet sent to you on that very special day..
frowning at the number 13 on a friday of the calendar..

starting on a whole new exciting career at the age of 22..
turning 23 sees your first job promotion..
recalling the funny incident that happened aboard bus 24..
or wondering if it's perhaps the bus 25?

finally returning to England on the 30th year..
meeting your college friends for the 31st time throughout these years..
owning a nice house when you turn 32..
wishing to be happy "33-44" [translation: forever and ever]..

living the satisfied life your parents led at 45..
beaming at your child's graduation ceremony at 46..
you are only 47 when your youngest child got his first hefty paycheck..
your children told you to retire at 48 as they want to support their two older folks..

you are 55 when you hold up a frosted champagne glass at your son's wedding..
you already turned 56 when you gingerly carried your granddaughter for the very first time..
you smiled at 57 when you saw the little one taking her unsteady steps..
you bought your second grandchild his baby blue mittens at 58..

at 64, you and your spouse went on an all-expenses paid trip to Germany from your kids..
and the following year, you celebrated your 65th birthday with family and friends..
at 66, you have finally passed the official retirement age..
and inevitably from 67 onwards, the slow ending process of your life had just begun..