Tuesday, July 13, 2004

The inner voice

Sure, the task is difficult, the road is long, and the challenges are great. And yet, somewhere deep inside, you know you can do it.

Your outer thoughts and words may complain loudly about the trouble, frustration and annoyance. Yet your innermost thoughts know that what is best is to move ahead with it, despite all the trouble.

Listen to that inner voice, the one telling you that yes, you can. Listen to that inner voice, the one reminding you that yes, you must.

That inner voice can give you valuable perspective, for it is not distracted or dismayed by the events of the moment. Certainly it's useful to pay attention to the moment, and it's also important to keep the big picture in mind.

And when you measure the challenges of this moment against the big picture of your life, you'll know that you can handle those challenges. When you view the opportunities of this moment within the big picture, you'll know that your efforts will be richly rewarded.

Listen to that inner voice, the one that's saying yes to life.

-- Ralph Marston

Mister sleepyhead

King of the sleepyheads..
Understatement of good style..
Tough on the exterior..
United in the line of fire..


simple as sleep..
easier than her ABCs..
once complication occurs..
it affects the best of relationships..

dynamism explodes..
time fleets by with each word..
the friendships being tied..
once complication arise..

conflicting individual issues..
creating double the trouble..
once complication attacks..
new-lost kindred spirits..

nothing is too hard..
don't make things too complicated..
with a breathe and release..
a smile will appear once more..